Friday, December 28, 2018

Useful Information in Chemisrty subject selective questions and answers

1. What is the chemical name of Marble?
- *Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)*
2. What is the chemical name of acid?
- *Acaraj (3HCL + HNO3)*
3. What is the chemical name of Heavy Water?
- *Deuterium oxide (D2O)*
4. What is the chemical name of sugar?
- *Sucrose (C12H22O11)*
5. What is the chemical name of Marsh Gas?
- *Methane (CH4)*
6. What is the chemical name of Hypo?
- *Sodium thiosulfate - (Na2S2O3.5H2O)*
7. What is the chemical name of Laughing Gas?
- *nitrous oxide (N2O)*
8. What is the chemical name of Bleaching Powder?